Facility Implications of COVID-19 Report
February 2021The Agnew Peckham team has developed a report outlining recommendations for facility planning based on...
Emergency Department Space Research Study
September 2015To update/validate the current Ontario standard, Agnew Peckham engaged twenty-seven Ontario hospitals in a modified...
Pre-Capital Submissions - Lessons Learned
The entry point for health care facilities seeking facility redevelopment in Ontario is a Pre-Capital Submission. Lessons learned from our work with successful client hospitals in pre-capital submission development include:
- Start – the list is long but it’s the only way to advance your project.
- Educate your team and your board on the process.
- Consult with your LHIN regarding their expectations and preferred involvement in the process.
- Understand your facility issues: invest in a facility evaluation and projections, which can be also used for the next phase of planning.
- Provide clear, concise information supported by data and examples.
- Share your draft submission with the LHIN and seek their advice prior to finalizing the document.
For more information on the requirements, access the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and LHIN Capital Planning process document on your LHIN website. We would be pleased to discuss the most efficient process for your organization. Please contact Debbie McDonald, Partner.